Conscious Revolution

I feel as though with the new year has come a revolution in consciousness. With the vastness of the internet, humans are connecting more and more with not only each other but themselves. There is now an abundance of articles and sites distorting the traditional ideas of day-to-day life provoking us to explore what is beyond the status quo and to demand more out of life and ourselves. I have been extremely moved and touched by this. I myself have felt an awakening in my soul within the past year which has pushed me to question what it is I want out of my life and my “self.”

I have felt a pull from the universe to examine what life means to me, what makes me excited, what it means to “live” and whether I am abiding by those meanings. I learned I was far from living presently in the moment and a prisoner to the constant reflection of my past and anxiety for the future. I have been living as an object in which life had acted upon. What is even more sad is that I have come to realize living this way is very common. Most of us have a fantasy of living a life that is abundant, full of meaning, and one which wakes up excited everyday however, we convince ourselves that this life is an ideal much too far for us to grasp. I have discovered the reality is quite the opposite, we are the universe and we are in charge of our own reality.

I have decided to write this blog to inspire others as I have been inspired to live a life of intention and as a reflection of our authentic selves. I am just a fellow human enlisting myself as an activist of this conscious revolution because here is now.


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